Hello and welcome to another DigiScrap Parade!
Hoping this finds y'all well and healthy out there.!!
June and summer are here yay for that! but also month of June is so special for me because I was born on June 7th, and this year I'm going to enter to a new decade! So I'm decided to enjoy as much as I can from life.
O.k I'm stopping talking about me, so let's get to the point that's why y'all here.
This time the parade theme is Keepseeks.
For this parade i made for you set of pocket cards to help you document your special moments/memories.
Those pocket cards are coming in 3 sizes 3x4, 4x4, 6x4 + printsheet (US Letter size).
A little lost? Then just click on the banner above to be taken to the Master list.
You should have come from >>> ninigoesdigi
And here is my portion for you to download:

Thanks for participating in the June 2021 DigiScrap Parade!
I hope you will enjoy documenting with this set of cards! I would love to see your work with them (or any other Rachel Etrog Designs products) – Here/FB/Instagram Be sure to tag me on instagram @rachel_etrog or use hashtag #racheletrogdesigns so I can leave you some love!
Make your way to >>>>>>>> Tracie Stroud
This set is only available as a free download until the end of June 2021
Thank you for stopping by, Enjoy!
Rachel Etrog